Black Magic

The Reality of Magic


Black magic (Sihr) and the evil eye (Al-‘Ayn) are real and have existed since the dawn of time. The Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم) was affected by black magic, which demonstrates its existence. Surah Al-Nass and Al-Falaq were revealed to combat such magic.

The Quran: A Source of Healing

The Quran serves not only as guidance but also as a means of healing. Allah (SWT) created everything by His word, and His commands are powerful. If humanity, especially Muslims, fully understood this, the world would be a better place.

“Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself…” (Quran 59:21)

Allah’s words, conveyed through the Quran, are a significant blessing and mercy for mankind. As stated, “And We have not sent you (O Muhammad), except as a mercy to the worlds” (Quran 21:107).

Understanding Black Magic

Magic, including black magic, is acknowledged by the Quran and Sunnah and is recognised by scholars as a reality that can only affect individuals by Allah’s will. Surah Al-Falaq was revealed due to the magic inflicted on the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) by Habeebbin Asum.

Learning or practising magic is considered a major sin and disbelief (kufr) since it involves invoking Shaytan (devils) and forbidden practices. Black magic typically manifests through spells and rituals, leading to various harms: physical sickness, emotional distress, and severed relationships.

Witchcraft often involves manipulating jinn to inflict harm. This negative energy stems from jealousy, greed, and resentment. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly prevalent, often originating from relatives or close acquaintances.

Consequences of Engaging in Magic

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) warned against those who engage in magic, indicating that such practices take a person out of Islam. Imam Ibn Hajar and Imam An-Nawawi affirmed that learning magic is forbidden, as it is linked to disbelief.

“The punishment for a magician is beheading.” (Hadith)

The severe consequences of black magic highlight the need for vigilance against it. Allah (SWT) has confirmed the existence of magic in the Quran: “And they followed what the devils had recited…” (Quran 2:102).

Seeking Allah’s Protection

Ruqyah, the recitation of specific Quranic verses, offers protection and healing from magic and evil. Allah loves those who reconcile after disputes, forgiving sins in the process. The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) emphasised the importance of supporting one another in times of need.

Individuals involved in magic are often deceived by Iblees, who promises them power and wealth. However, true believers are safeguarded by their faith and reliance on Allah.

The Day of Judgement

On the Day of Judgement, Iblees will disown his followers, adding to their despair. Allah warns that those who associate partners with Him will face severe consequences. Shaytan’s deception only leads to suffering, while true guidance lies in following Allah’s commands.

Final Reflections

Ultimately, the choice between the path of darkness (magic) and the path of light (faith) lies with the individual. Allah is ever-ready to forgive, while Iblees offers nothing but despair. Reflect on your choices and strive for a life of righteousness and peace.

“From the most beloved of deeds to Allah is to make a believer happy…” (Sunan al Bayhaqi)

Imagine the eternal reward of Paradise, and let that guide your actions in this life.

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