Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Can anyone perform Ruqyah, or is it limited to specific people?

Ruqyah is not limited to certain individuals. Every Muslim has the ability and should perform Ruqyah.

Is it better to recite Ruqyah or listen to it?

Reciting Ruqyah is preferable if done correctly. However, if it needs to be performed for extended periods, one may listen to Ruqyah audio or have someone recite over them.

How long should Ruqyah be performed?

Ruqyah should be listened to for several hours a day. One should focus entirely on Ruqyah until they feel better, which could take several days or longer depending on the affliction.

What if reciting or listening to Ruqyah isn’t helping?

If Ruqyah doesn’t seem effective, reassess your conviction (yakin) and intention (niyyah). Seek forgiveness (istighfar) from Allah, as unresolved sins may prevent healing.

How do I know if I’m affected by the evil eye or magic?

Symptoms like pain during recitation, restlessness, itching, vomiting, fever, and other discomforts may indicate affliction. Continue Ruqyah, especially focusing on verses that trigger symptoms.

What if the afflicted person refuses Ruqyah?

If someone resists Ruqyah, they should be encouraged to accept treatment, as Shaytan may be influencing them. If necessary, recite on their behalf and blow over water and oil for them to use.

Should physical illnesses be treated alongside Ruqyah?

Physical ailments caused by magic or evil eye should be treated with medical care as well as Ruqyah. A balanced diet, alongside Sunnah practices, is also essential for recovery.

Are there specific verses that have more impact in Ruqyah?

Key verses include Surah al-Fatiha, Ayah al-Kursi, and the last three Surahs of the Qur’an. Other verses that highlight Allah’s greatness can be added for stronger effect.

Do morning and evening adhkar protect against evil?

Morning and evening adhkar are vital for protection from magic and evil. These remembrances should always be maintained, even after Ruqyah treatment.

Why is blowing after recitation important?

Blowing with saliva after Ruqyah is a powerful physical element that should not be overlooked, as explained by scholars. It counteracts evil forces through the power of Qur’anic recitation.

What is a Ruqyah bath?

A Ruqyah bath involves using water that has been recited over. This should be done daily for best results, particularly for severe cases, until symptoms diminish.

What should our reliance on Allah be like during Ruqyah?

Trust in Allah’s plan. Remember that no harm or benefit can occur except by Allah’s will, and that our reliance should always be on Him alone for protection and healing.

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